Our assemblies are an important feature of our school’s life. They act as one of the key ways by which we come together as an entire school community, create our positive reflective ethos and promote our values-based education.
Our Monday assembly is based on British Values as well as on the Social and Emotional Learning of the students. A key benefit of these assemblies is that the schools’ core values can be established, communicated and celebrated, which helps the students develop as ‘global citizens.’ These assemblies play a key role in ensuring children develop strong moral, personal and spiritual values of their own. The whole school community from Year 7 upwards attend Monday assemblies, allowing us to promote a very clear message to all.
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays the assemblies have been split into specific Key Stage groups. These allow the different key stages to experience talks about content more related to their age group. These are closely linked to the Social and Emotional learning of the students. Key Stage 4 and 5 also will gain the opportunity to learn about Growth Mindset to help aid them in their future exams as well as having external speakers talking about apprenticeships, employability and college courses.
Thursdays are a time where students from the same House come together to discuss House accomplishments as well as celebrate House achievements. The four Houses take it in turns to run their assembly, so students will usually come together once a month from each House.
Please click HERE for the autumn term assembly rota.
Please click HERE for the spring term assembly rota.
Please click HERE for the summer term assembly rota.