Chair of Governors Mr David Bates
Vice Chair of Governors Mr Ian Welch
Headteacher Mr Jason Brooks
Parent Governors Mrs Karon Hollis

Mr Nigel Pearce

Co-Opted Governors Mr Ian Welch

Mrs Georgina Smith



Ms Kaisra Khan

Mr M-J Derges

Associate Governor
Staff Governor Mrs Kat Durrands


Finance Committee Mr Jason Brooks
Mr David Bates
Mr Ian Welch

Governors’ Remote Meeting Protocol

In cases where Governors are not able to attend meetings in person, this protocol enables members to join meetings remotely.

Governors’ Terms of Office

For a list of our Governors’ Terms of Office, please click Here.

Governors’ Interests and Attendance

For a list of our Governors’ attendance 23/24, please click Here

For a list of our Governors’ interests & attendance information 2024/25, please click here

Meeting Dates 2023-24
Committee Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Full Governors – 4:00pm Thursday 19.09.24

Thursday 28.11.24

Thursday 06.02.24

Thursday 10.04.25

Thursday 26.06.25
Pay, Personnel & Finance – 4:00pm Thursday 03.10.24

Thursday 14.11.24

Thursday 23.01.25

Thursday 27.03.25

Thursday 22.05.25
  • All meetings will commence at 4.00pm
  • FGM will aim to be no longer than 2 hours
  • Committee meetings will aim to be no longer than 1 ½ hours

Guidance for Prospective Governors

The following guidance has been written to assist governing bodies with their duty to conduct informed parent and staff elections in which the expectations and credentials of prospective candidates are made clear.

Governing Body Role

The demands on governors and governing bodies have changed dramatically in recent years and this guidance has been written to help aspiring governors understand the expectations and demands of the role of the Governing Body.