Welcome to the COMPASS Pastoral support
As part of the COMPASS pastoral support we offer a wide range of interventions and workshops. Please feel free to contact Martine Johnsen within the COMPASS department to discuss any of these interventions.
Types of support offered by the Compass team.
LAAC Keyworkers are automatically assessed at COMPASS Wave 2 level of need and are assigned as a mentor to offer weekly support. Mrs Rafferty and Mrs Arkley are the mentors for all Looked After and Adopted Children.
EPIC Apes Group is a group intervention focusing on developing processing skills as well as improving confidence and self-esteem.
Solihull Approach Parenting Group with Paula Poxon and Deb Smith provides support to parents by improving their skills in understanding their child’s behaviour, and providing emotional regulation.
Biofeedback Intervention: Individual interventions that work on emotional regulation and relaxation with our Compass mentors.
EPIC Sunflowers: Group interventions on developing techniques for managing anxiety. An extension of EPIC Apes for older year groups.
Sunshine Circles: Group Interventions informed by Theraplay and follows the core approach of structure, engagement, nurture and play.
Social and Communication groups with Hope Restell, our Speech and Language Assistant.
Sensory Integration and Emotional Regulation with our Occupational Therapists or OTA.
EPIC Calms: Our psychology company offer a 3-6 week group intervention focusing on how to overcome exam stress.
Social Thinking and Independence through Communication: Prescribed S< programme offering KS5 students the opportunity to practice social communication within the community.
Touch-typing and Handwriting: Group interventions across all school years offering prescribed OT handwriting interventions and a touch-typing programme.
Peer Mentoring Programme: A S< prescribed programme for KS5 students offering a 12 week group intervention with the final part of the programme to peer mentor a KS3 student.
Phonological awareness programme: S< prescribed programme for all school years.
EPIC Sunbites Information Sheet
Therapy Information Sheet
Social Viewpoints Information Sheet
Our Compass Staff

Our Therapists

Online pressures help from YoungMinds
Online pressures Smartphones and computers put the whole online world at our fingertips, but not always in a good way. Get support with peer pressure, cyberbullying and more.