The Role of the Tutor
The tutor and tutor team are members of the Complementary Pastoral Support (COMPASS) Team. Their role is to provide Wave 1 pastoral support for their tutees and support the delivery of Waves 2-4 support for their tutees.
The role of the tutor and tutor team can be summarised as ensuring tutees are:
- safe (Child Protection);
- engaged (Positive behaviour for Learning);
- prepared for further education, employment and independent adult life (Preparation for Adulthood).
Tutors and their teams perform these roles by:
- Working within the guidelines set out in school policies;
- Making decisions in the best interests of every child;
- Modelling expected behaviours and acting as role models;
- Promoting high expectations and independence;
- Supporting the work of subject teachers;
- Communicating effectively with staff, parents and carers, students and other professionals;
- Establishing clear reward systems;
- Applying the school’s points system, rules and expectations consistently;
- Encouraging participation in the House system; and
- Delivering high-quality Preparation for Adulthood activities.