Annual reviews

Every child at Maplewell has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). It is a legal requirement for this EHCP to be reviewed every year. Your child’s annual review meeting is their most important meeting of the school year. Annual reviews help us to track your child’s progress towards adulthood; it helps us to know where you and your child …

Is your child ready to be left home alone?

As children grow up, it is normal for them to spend some time at home without adult supervision. But as a parent or carer, how do you decide when they are ready to be left alone? And how do you make sure they are safe? The NSPCC have produced a handy guide for parents and you can download it here.

Is your child ready to go out alone?

Working together, our aim is to prepare all students for adulthood. This means helping them to become as independent as possible. One step towards that independence is for students to be able to go out into the community without an adult. However, how do you as a parent or carer decide when they are ready for that? The NSPCC have …

Parents and Carers: Making appointments to talk to staff

The continued success of our school community is based on a commitment to ensuring the best possible outcomes for all our children. We recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents and carers in order to achieve this, and endeavour to foster positive relationships which are based on trust and mutual respect. Parents and carers  however should not come …

Monthly Coffee Morning for Parents/Carers

Monthly Coffee Morning for For Parents / Carers When: Third Friday of the month Where: Maplewell Hall Time: 9.30-11.00am Meet other parents/carers Alternative ways of supporting our children Discuss relevant topics Contact: Martine or Paula 01509 890237 Please see the flyer HERE.

Online Safety – Support for Parents and Carers

The school subscribes to the National Online Safety (NOS) Community Package. This gives parents and carers access to a range of information, training and resources to help them keep their children safe in the ever-changing, and increasingly risky online world. This service is free for parents and by signing up you will be helping the school to gain its online …

Head Lice Awareness

Please click HERE for an information leaflet on preventing and treating head lice.

Mental Health Awareness and Support

From time to time all children experience feelings of stress, anxiety or depression. Most of them will use a range of positive coping strategies to help them overcome these temporary difficulties. Sometimes, these negative feelings will last a long time, and they may lead to them adopting some negative coping strategies. Negative coping strategies might include: Self-harm; School refusal; Withdrawal …

Career Programme – Information for Employers

Our aim is for all of our students to go into employment at some point in the future. To help them achieve this aim, we deliver a comprehensive career programme to ensure students have the knowledge and understanding, personal and social skills, attitudes and values to: Know, through experience, about a wide range of work sector settings related to curriculum subjects; …

Need help with DLA or PIP completion?

…If so, please click HERE to read more…. Would you like help to complete your DLA or PIP? Do you require further information about Youth Groups, Clubs and Activities for Teenagers in your area? Need Advice following a CAMHS referral? THEN COME TO OUR MONTHLY ADVICE AND SUPPORT SERVICE DROP-IN If we don’t have all the answers we’ll endeavour to find them. …