School Communication Survey

Dear Parent/Carers Please find link below for our “School Communication Survey”. We would appreciate if you could spare a couple minutes of your time to complete. Many Thanks School Office 

Our Trevor’s Antics in the USA

This time last week, myself, and Anthony Dubber, a good friend of mine, (who I worked with in Antarctica) were boarding a plane at Heathrow airport on our way to Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the USA. We had been contracted to cook for a group of clients working on a freedom project. The job itself had been booked long …


Inspection of Maplewell Hall School Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 8QY Inspection dates: 14 and 15 February 2023 Overall effectiveness Outstanding The quality of education Outstanding Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding Personal development Outstanding Leadership and management Outstanding Sixth-form provision Outstanding Previous inspection grade Good What is it like to attend this school? Pupils flourish at this exceptional school. …

Comic Relief at Maplewell 2023

For more information or to donate to an amazing charity, please click the link below Comic Relief Red Nose Day