Accreditation & Qualifications

On this page, you will find an explanation of the current qualifications, accreditation and assessments we deliver across the school and our Post 16 Form.

Entry Level

Entry Level in the UK is the lowest level in the National Qualifications Framework in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Qualifications at this level recognise basic knowledge and skills and the ability to apply learning in everyday situations under direct guidance or supervision. Learning at this level involves building basic knowledge and skills and is not usually geared towards specific occupations. Entry Level qualifications can be taken at three levels (Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3 and are available on a broad range of subjects).


The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification, generally taken in a number of subjects by pupils in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Each GCSE qualification is in a particular subject, and stands alone, but a suite of such qualifications (or their equivalents) are generally accepted as the record of achievement at the age of 16, in place of a leaving certificate or baccalaureate qualification in other territories.

Studies for GCSE examinations generally take place over a period of two or three academic years (depending upon the subject, school, and exam board), starting in Year 9 or Year 10 for the majority of students, with examinations being sat at the end of Year 11.

Sport Studies Level 1/2 Award/Certificate

Our Cambridge National in Sport Studies enables students to develop and apply knowledge of sports-related activities, with a particular focus on officiating. They explore contemporary issues in sport, different ways of being involved in the sports industry, and the impact of sport on wider society.

BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Performing Arts

The knowledge, understanding and skills learnt in studying a BTEC First will aid progression to further study and prepare learners to enter the workplace in due course.

In performing arts, typical employment opportunities at entry level might be as a performer or as an assistant in backstage, technical, administrative or design roles. These qualifications are intended primarily for learners in the 14-19 age group but may also be used by other learners who wish to gain an introductory understanding of a vocational area. They have a clear progression route to a level 3 course or to an apprenticeship.

BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Hospitality

BTEC First qualifications were originally designed for use in colleges, schools and the workplace as an introductory level 2 course for learners wanting to study in the context of a vocational sector. This is still relevant today.

BTECs are vocationally related qualifications, where learners develop knowledge and understanding by applying their learning and skills in a work-related context. Additionally, they are popular and effective because they engage learners to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop skills that are essential for the modern-day workplace. These skills include: team working; working from a prescribed brief; working to deadlines; presenting information effectively; and accurately completing administrative tasks and processes. BTEC Firsts motivate learners, and open doors to progression into further study and responsibility within the workplace.

BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Science

The BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award is a level 2 qualification; however, it is graded at Level 2 Pass, Level 2 Merit, Level 2 Distinction, Level 2 Distinction, Level 1 and Unclassified.

It is designed for learners aged 14 years and over. Given the fact that some students are clearly best suited and more interested in vocational learning at the beginning of Key Stage 4, a vocational qualification designed to cover the Programme of Study is appropriate. However, some students need a different learning route at Key Stage 4, either due to constraints on resources in schools or because they themselves are unsure of the learning route they wish to take. For these, learning the Programme of Study via an academic route, such as GCSE Science, is appropriate. However, having studied in this way, they may then take the decision that a vocational learning route is their best option for further progression or employment.

Level 2 Leadership Skills Programme in Maths

The Level 2 Leadership Skills Programme is an innovative new qualification which enables students in K5 to take part in practical learning, allowing them to continually build on and innovate their leadership skills and knowledge through maths.

The Leadership Skills Programme is a pioneering qualification that will prepare students to become more confident and self-assured; thus equipping them with attitudes which they may utilise in the next stage of their development whilst all the time increasing their engagement in a core subject.

The programme also develops desired character traits including their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural well-being – including the promotion of British Values.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Maplewell Hall School runs a very successful Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. This is a voluntary award programme of practical, cultural and adventurous activities to support the personal development of young people.

We focus on the Bronze Award which covers four main sections. These are:

  • Voluntary Work
  • Physical Recreation
  • Skills
  • Expeditions

The students are supported to develop skills based around these four key areas. To plot their own progress they collect and provide a range of evidence. The leaders of this very exciting programme are members of teaching staff who work across the School with students on the scheme. Started many years, the programme has developed and is now an integral part of what we offer young people. Students’ learn many new skills which underpin the work we do develop students employability, leadership and social skills. Through participation in the scheme students’ confidence, organisation skills and leadership qualities and developed.

One of the most exciting things about this programme is that our students can achieve at the same level as any student in any setting. For further information about the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme run at Maplewell Hall School, please contact the school.