Parent & Carer Area

“80.75% of students say their parents help them to make key careers decisions“

This section of the Maplewell Hall School website signposts parents and carers to useful career resources so they can help their children develop their Essential Skills, make informed decisions about their futures, and get ready for transition.

At home you can support your child’s career learning by helping them to access their Start Profile and exploring the site with them. You can also help develop their Essential Skills at the Skillsbuilder Homezone.

Talking Futures provide free resources, activities, and practical guidance to help you support your child’s careers and education choices.

Parent Resources

Morrisby Podcast

Experience of Work

“We can’t be what we haven’t seen.”

Students begin their career journeys with very little experience of the world of work and without that experience, it is impossible for them to know what they want to do in the future. It is important that your child experiences as many different work sectors as possible. Experiences of work include all visits to workplaces (and every trip destination is a workplace for someone) as well as all encounters with employers and employees in school. Experience of work also describes the internal work placements offered in school. These experiences of work allow students to work with staff in a slightly different capacity, develop their Essential Skills, and gives them something to refer to on their first CVs and personal statements. All our internal student vacancies are advertised here. Students in Years 7 to 11 are invited to apply for main site vacancies. Students in years 12-14 are invited to apply for Post-16 vacancies.

If your child wants to apply for a vacancy, then you could support them by downloading the application form and helping them to complete it. Once completed, they will be invited to an interview and if successful, offered the position giving them a great experience of the application process even if unsuccessful.

Work Experience

“We don’t know what we like until we’ve tried it.”

Work Experience refers to a short placement at an employer away from Maplewell. It is typically no longer than 5 full days in total. A work experience is more valuable if it is local to their home as this gives them the chance to get to and from work more independently. A work experience is a daunting experience and requires students to have the skills to work independently of Maplewell staff under the supervision of an employee at the workplace. Work experiences are valuable regardless of whether the sector is of direct relevance to a child’s aspirations and the process of experiencing a work place they didn’t like provides an important learning experience.

From Year 11 upwards, if students feel ready to complete a period of work experience, then they (with support from their parents) should approach local employers. Once you have identified an employer who is willing to talk to school about a potential work experience, please forward the details and we will contact them to ensure the correct paperwork is in place. A limited number of Work Experiences are advertised for Post-16 students here. Post-16 students are invited to apply. Applications from Year 11 students will be considered.

Work Placement

A work placement is where a student spends a significant part of their curriculum time at a workplace under the supervision of an employer or employee. Placements may account for 3 days of curriculum time and last for up to a full academic year. A work placement is the pinnacle of the experiences of the World of Work and are for students who have completed at least one work experience and want to take the final step before entering the world of work.

Work placements are for students in Post-16 who are following the ‘Work Ready’ 2-year programme.

Again, parents should approach local employers to ask about potential placements. Once you have identified an employer who is willing to talk to school about a potential work experience, please forward the details and we will contact them to ensure the correct paperwork is in place.

A limited number of Work Placements are advertised for Post-16 students here. Students on the Work Ready Pathway are invited to apply.

Local Opportunities

With developments in technology there are now numerous jobs that did not exist 10 years ago.  It is important to keep up to date with what is happening locally, nationally, and internationally.  Regarding local opportunities, the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) are leading the way in a number of exciting developments with a range of sectors including space, low carbon, and digital.  Click the buttons below for more information.

Short video guide to the labour market

Watch our film about Low Carbon jobs and careers

Watch our film about Space jobs and careers

Watch our film about Digital and Creative jobs and careers

Watch our jobs and career videos from lots of other local industries

Below you will find some useful posters and booklets to understand the different qualifications, our students’ career journey and other resources.

Download our helpful qualifications chart

See our full careers programme for students

Download our Young Persons 'World of Work' Guide

Where have you been? A Maplewell Career Programme Podcast