
Violence can appear in many forms:

  • Gender-based violence, also known as violence against women and girls, can include physical and sexual abuse, harassment and bullying;
  • A gang is typically a noticeable group of individuals that spends time in public and engages in criminal activity and violence. The group may also be territorial or in conflict with other gangs;
  • Young people involved in gangs have an increased risk of experiencing violence and other types of abuse;
  • Teachers have a power to search pupils for weapons, but be sure to follow the correct procedures;
  • A hate crime is any behaviour that anyone (not just the victim) thinks is based on a person’s prejudice against a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability;

If you’re worried about a child, speak to your DSL (deputy DSL) and follow the school’s procedures for reporting safeguarding concerns.

Gov.Uk advice to schools on gangs and youth violence: Gangs and Youth Violence